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grass tree 1.黃膠草屬〔百合科植物,產澳洲,莖木質粗短,頂端密生長...

grass widow

2 . the structure of purple soil is meliorated by sabaigrass . when contrast to bare land treatment and natural wild grassland treatment we knew that sabaigrass treatment and grass tree solid plating treatment reduced soil bulk density , enhanced soil capillary porosity , non - capillary porosity and porosity ratio , decreased soil sand grain content , enhanced soil clay grain and silt grain content so as to reduced the dispersal degree of soil , improved the aggregate capacity of soil , increased the amount of soil aggregate structure , meliorated the water permeability of soil , accelerated the form of good soil structure 龍須草能改善紫色土的土壤結構龍須草純種植被和林草立體種植植被能不同程度地降低土壤容重,減少土壤砂粒含量,增加土壤的毛管孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度和孔隙比,以及增加粉粒含量,從而降低土壤分散度,提高土壤團聚性,增加土壤團粒結構數量,改善土壤的透水性,促進良好土壤結構的形成,最終提高土壤的蓄水保肥性能,增強土壤的抗蝕性和抗沖性。

In order to solve this problem , we find a kind of herbages plant - sabaigrass ( eulaliopsis binata ) which not only can accommodate the badly environment of purple soil but also have excellent water and soil conservation effect and good economic benefit . this study adopt quantitative and qualitative methods , through comparative study of four different utilization types : sabaigrass treatment , grass tree solid plating treatment ( planting sabaigrass under fruit trees treatment ) , bare land treatment , natural wild grassland treatment , study water and soil conservation effect , soil water condition , soil constructors condition , soil fertility condition and soil surface temperature , then evaluated the water and soil conservation effect of plating sabaigrass in purple soil bare sloping field and probed into water and soil conservation mechanism . the main results are as follows : 1 本研究針對湖南省衡邵盆地紫色巖地區日益惡劣的生態環境,從紫色土荒坡地水土流失治理入手,在尋求出既適應紫色土荒坡地惡劣環境又有良好水土保持作用和一定經濟效應的作物? ?龍須草的基礎上,用定性和定量相結合的方法,以“龍須草純種” 、 “龍須草與果樹立體種植” (簡稱林草立體種植,下同) 、 “空曠地” 、 “自然野生雜草地”四種不同的土地利用方式進行對比研究,從水土保持效應、土壤水文狀況、土壤結構、土壤肥力狀況、地表溫度狀況等方面分析、評價紫色土荒坡地種植龍須草防治水土流失的效應,并對其機理進行了初步探討,主要研究結果如下: 1

As a result it enhanced the water - retaining and fertility - retaining capacity , strengthened the anti - scour and anti - erosion ability . 3 . sabaigrass can meliorated the little entironment of purple soil bare slope field the results show that sabaigrass treatment and grass tree solid plating treatment can reduce n ( nitrogen ) , p ( phosphorus ) and k ( potassium ) erosion , increase soil nutrition element content , it also increase soil water content and soil pondage , decrease soil water evaporation , strengthen the anti - drought ability 龍須草能改善紫色土荒坡地的小生境龍須草純種植被和林草立體種植植被能不同程度地增加土壤的有機質和速效n 、 p 、 k的含量;增加土壤含水量和貯水量,減緩和減少土壤的水分蒸發,增強土壤的抗旱能力;降低土壤盛夏的地表最高溫度,減少地表溫度變化幅度。